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Type of the toolLecture hall recording

Brief description


Recording of courses and video on demand

Examples of use

LectureTube allows you to record courses with little effort and make them available as a multimedia learning resource in TUWEL. The recording includes the content on the screen of the presentation laptop, the audio signal of the auditorium sound system and, optionally in some lecture halls, a camera image of what is happening in the auditorium. Furthermore, a document camera is ready to record real objects, for example experiments or handwritten elaborations on paper. The recording can be added to a video stream. At the end of the course, the recordings are automatically sent to the LectureTube server, where the individual channels are combined into a multimedia, searchable learning stream.

Examples for use:

  • Recording lectures
  • Recording exercises
  • Recording learning units in the lecture hall

Instructions & How-To

Instructions can be found in the  LectureTube Knowledge Base and under the following links:

Further information

Questions & Answers


The service unit of Educational Technologies offers LectureTube as a platform for recording and/or live-streaming of your lecture. Video on demand is an option as well.

The videos can be made available individually or in a series, within a TUWEL course, TU Wien, or world wide.

The recording starts automatically at your pre-ordered time slots, after the planning is successfully completed in TISS. No additional user interaction in the lecture hall is necessary.


We collect frequently asked question and answers here. Please check whether your issue is already on the list and a suitable answer is given. Thereby, you help to reduce the currently significantly increased support workload.

titleI have already used LectureTube to support my lecture (LVA). Does anything change for me now?

Nothing changes for you. You continue to lecture in the usual lecture hall at your usual time. Your videos will be provided within a short time span, as they were usually up to now as well.

titleHow can I schedule my LectureTube recording in TISS?

You can find the necessary information in the "LectureTube" section of the TUWEL Tutorials course, as well as in the PDF guide "LectureTube Recording in the LectureTube Hall" LectureTube Knowledge Base.

titleCan I reuse my recordings form last year? If yes, how?

Certainly. In order to achieve that, you only have to freshly connect the series ID with the episode ID in your current TUWEL course (this works also for single videos of the series).

There are 3 steps to follow:

  • Step 1: Open your last year's TUWEL course and go to the settings of the LectureTube activity. Copy the IDs from the section "General" (Allgemeines") / "Show more ..." ("Mehr anzeigen ...") / "Custom parameters" ("Angepasste Parameter").
  • Step: 2: Now you have to re-connect your IDs within your current TUWEL course of this semester. How to achieve this, is explained starting from page 6 of this PDF guidein the LectureTube Knowledge Base.
  • Step 3: Check the visibility of the series from the previous year in the Course Administration in TISS. This must at least be set to "TU Wien" so that the videos can be accessed from deviating TUWEL courses.

titleI lecture at a lecture hall equipped with LectureTube. How can I use LectureTube?

You will find the necessary information in the "LectureTube" section of the TUWEL Tutorials course LectureTube Knowledge Base. These are also summarized in the PDF guide"LectureTube Recording in the LectureTube Hall" LectureTube Checklist.

titleI hold my lecture (LVA) in a lecture room that is NOT equipped with LectureTube. What do I have to do to use LectureTube?

You can record your videos with your own device through the browser with LectureTube Studio and upload them to LectureTube, or you can record your videos on your own using any tool of your choice and then upload them to your LectureTube series via LectureTube Upload. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the "LectureTube" section of the TUWEL Tutorials course LectureTube Knowledge Base.

If you want to use the lecture hall equipment for recording, you will need a lecture hall booking in TISS in a lecture hall that is equipped with LectureTube. A list of equipped lecture halls can be found on the room information page of the TU coLab. If you need assistance, please contact the Central Room Management for Teaching and Learning (Zentrales Lehr- und Lernressourcenmanagement). They will support you in any necessary re-scheduling and re-bookings due to streaming and are also there for your questions regarding lecture rooms. As soon as you have a booking of a lecture hall equipped with LectureTube, you can follow the further steps described at the question "I lecture at a lecture hall equipped with LectureTube. How can I use LectureTube?"

titleIs my lecture hall equipped with LectureTube?

On this coLAB page in the room information section you can find a list of all lecture halls that are equipped with LectureTube.

titleCan I upload videos I have produced on my own on to TUWEL?

LectureTube Upload is suitable for this purpose. With LectureTube Upload, you can upload your self-produced videos via TUWEL (entry "LectureTube" in the left menu of the TUWEL course) to LectureTube and then integrate your series in TUWEL. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the "LectureTube" section of the TUWEL Tutorials course LectureTube Knowledge Base.

titleHow can I transmit my lecture (LVA) directly into TUWEL?

Instructions for "Live Streaming" with LectureTube Live can be found in the PDF guide for LectureTube LiveKnowledge Base.

Starting on page 4 of this PDF guide, you will see These includes instructions on how to set up the playback of the live stream in TUWEL. Please note that the live stream in the lecture hall must be started and stopped manually. This is in contrast to a LectureTube recording that is successfully scheduled via TISS, which starts and stops fully automatically in the lecture hall at the times confirmed by automatic e-mail.

My question is not answered here!

Your can direct your question via e-mail to the colleagues of the LectureTube support team at Please describe your issue as comprehensive as possible, and always indicate the number of your lecture (LVA) if available. This helps to take care of your inquiry a lot faster.