Introduction and general information
We have our own computational cluster (10 nodes, 96 CPU cores and ~1Tb RAM each) located at:
To monitor the usage of resources see this page.
Currently it's not possible to use openmpi
for multinode computations. However, this can be done with intel-mpi
. If possible consider using it instead as a workaround to be able to run multinode computations.
Data storage
There are two available locations to store your data: /home
directory and /mnt/scratch
The capacity of the /home
directory is ~837 GiB, currently there are no user quotas and it is meant to contain only the important data needed for computations or recent results, i.e. not suitable for the long-term storage. It is provided as an NFS-share and the data is located at login node.
The capacity of the /mnt/scratch
is ~8.2 TiB, but it is meant as a short-term storage to perform calculations that require big amount of data to be stored during the computation. It is provided as a parallel file system (BeeGFS) and the data is distributed among compute nodes (~850 GiB on each node).
For an easier access, use $DATA
environmental variable to access you location at /mnt/scratch
For the long-term storage use hclmbck data server, which is also available as NFS-share at /mnt/hclmbck
. For convenience, the following environmental variables are defined:
BACKUP -> /mnt/hclmbck/BACKUP/$USER ARCHIVE -> /mnt/hclmbck/ARCHIVE/$USER OLDHCLM -> /mnt/hclmbck/OLDHCLM/home/$USER
Software environment
To be able to handle multiple versions of various libraries and programs, the module
environment system is employed (modules are generated via spack
To view the list of available modules type:
module avail
To view the list of currently loaded modules use:
module list
To load the module use:
module load module_name
To unload all used modules use:
module purge
For further possibilities issue module help
Note that some libraries loaded via module
might interfere with system libraries preventing some of the system-wide tools from a normal operation (for example a segfault can occur; some of the impacted utilities are nano
, ncdu
, and htop
). If you encounter such an issue, try to mitigate it by unloading modules.
SSH setup
For an easier access one might want to set up ssh-config file, ~/.ssh/config
Host hclm User username Hostname
And use the following command to login:
ssh hclm
For more info about ssh config file see this page.
To keep the ssh session open for prolonged time, use the following keyword:
ServerAliveInterval 60
The slurm system is used to manage the queue with computational jobs. Use sinfo
to see the information on the current setup and available computational resources.
Submission script example
Here is a template for your
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J JOB_NAME #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=96 #SBATCH --partition=compute # 3 days walltime, the format is MM:SS, or HH:MM:SS, or D-HH:MM:SS #SBATCH -t 3-0:00:00 # environment variables to set export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 # modules to load module purge module load --auto w2dynamics/1.1.5-gcc-11.4.0-33hh33i # commands to run mpirun -n $SLURM_NTASKS
It will ask for one node, request 96 tasks/threads to be available and see that it does not run more than three days (walltime limit).
Multiple jobs per node
It is possible to submit smaller jobs that require only a few tasks and have them automatically assigned to the same node. For that one needs to specify an estimate of the required memory that the job will consume via --mem
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J JOB_NAME #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH --ntasks=4 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2 #SBATCH --partition=compute # Different units can be specified using the suffix [K|M|G|T]. #SBATCH --mem=100G mpirun -n $SLURM_NTASKS myjob
In this example the job will promise not to use more than 100Gb of RAM and will use only 4 CPU cores. Note: in this example it was assumed that there is no benefit of using the hyperthreding. Thus, to avoid overcommitting too many jobs on a single node, i.e. go beyond 96 tasks per node, the --cpus-per-task
flag is set to two, since scheduler allows the usage of up to 192 CPU cores at a single node.
For the description of parameters for the submission script, see the following page.
SLURM commands
To submit your job use:
To check the status of your jobs:
squeue -u $USER
To cancel the job:
scancel job_id
To run a bash session interactively on the compute node, use the following command:
srun -N 1 --pty bash -i
House rules
Currently, the slurm system is set up in the FIFO convention and to make the cluster available, the suggestion is to employ the following house rules:
- if one submits a lot of jobs that do not run too long (let's say up to 2-3 hours), one shall reduce their priority (use
flag and set it to the positive value not higher than 4294898063); that way other people can wedge their jobs in between; - if one submits a lot of long-running jobs, one shall not occupy all of the nodes, i.e. exclude some of the nodes from the execution (there is
If you need to communicate something with all of the users of the cluster, please use the following mailing list:
Library specifics
- The LAPACK and BLAS libraries are provided by either
. - For the MPI interface there are two providers as well:
. - For
support, use thehdf5/1.14.3-gcc-11.4.0-vkldg6y
Please install julia
and setup the proper environment yourself following the instructions from the official page.
If you're new to julia
and want to get introduced to the current workflow, check this link.
There are two versions of w2dynamics
installed on the cluster, 1.1.4 and 1.1.5. Use the following commands to load either of them:
module load --auto w2dynamics/1.1.4-gcc-11.4.0-4e7xlay
module load --auto w2dynamics/1.1.5-gcc-11.4.0-33hh33i
To get a more accurate resolution of the self-energy, you might want to try a worm-sampling method (add the following to your input file):
[General] FTType = none_worm SelfEnergy = symmetric_improved_worm [QMC] WormMeasQQ = 1 PercentageWormInsert = 0.3 PercentageWormReplace = 0.1 WormSearchEta = 1
version 23.2 is installed in /opt/WIEN2k_23.2
directory. For the initial setup of your environment run /opt/WIEN2k_23.2/userconfig
tool and answer the relevant questions. One would need to load the following modules:
module load --auto intel-oneapi-compilers/2021.3.0-gcc-11.4.0-akvxchv module load --auto intel-oneapi-mkl/2021.4.0-gcc-11.4.0-p7fre5c module load --auto intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.12.0-gcc-11.4.0-ywfnwb7 module load --auto fftw/3.3.10-gcc-11.4.0-2wmq6zs
Here is an example of run job script that will use 4 OpenMP threads and parallelize the calculation over 24 k-points (mind that for small systems the overhead to perform k-parallelization might be too big and make the parallelization of no use at all):
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J JOB_NAME #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=96 #SBATCH --partition=compute # 3 days walltime, the format is MM:SS, or HH:MM:SS, or D-HH:MM:SS #SBATCH -t 3-0:00:00 # environment variables to set # use 4 OpenMP threads export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 # modules to load module purge module load --auto intel-oneapi-compilers/2021.3.0-gcc-11.4.0-akvxchv module load --auto intel-oneapi-mkl/2021.4.0-gcc-11.4.0-p7fre5c module load --auto intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.12.0-gcc-11.4.0-ywfnwb7 module load --auto fftw/3.3.10-gcc-11.4.0-2wmq6zs # commands to run # initialize wien2k calculation with high precision setting init_lapw -prec 3 # create .machines files for k-parallelization with 24 k-points running # in parallel > .machines for (( i=1; i<=24; i++ )); do echo 1:localhost >> .machines done # run wien2k calculation in parallel mode run_lapw -p # save the run save_lapw scf
If one is interested in wannierization, load the wannier90
and python
module load --auto wannier90/3.1.0-gcc-11.4.0-rxoj6qv module load python/3.11.7-gcc-11.4.0-cdz73gs module load py-numpy/1.26.4-gcc-11.4.0-szszv5k
For the tutorials on wien2k
see this and this documents. And for the lectures covering the theory behind wien2k
check this workshop.
is installed in /opt/USPEX
but since the license is provided on individual basis, you'd need to register here and after that ask HCLM admins to add you to the corresponding group.
Modules to load:
module load py-numpy/1.26.4-gcc-11.4.0-szszv5k module load py-scipy/1.11.4-gcc-11.4.0-vm2oiki module load py-spglib/2.0.2-gcc-11.4.0-diunhli module load sqlite/3.43.2-gcc-11.4.0-bwyqrlw module load py-ase/3.21.1-gcc-11.4.0-ltiwsxu module load py-matplotlib/3.8.3-gcc-11.4.0-o3qu62w
One needs to set up the following environmental variables in .bashrc
#### ------------- USPEX v.10.5.0 ------------- #### export MCRROOT=/opt/USPEX/USPEX_v10.5 export PATH=/opt/USPEX/USPEX_v10.5/application/archive/:$PATH export USPEXPATH=/opt/USPEX/USPEX_v10.5/application/archive/src ###----------------------------------------------
There is a problem with loading randomTopology
module, as a workaround use:
0.00 : fracTopRand
in the INPUT.txt
file, i.e. disable the corresponding feature.
In order to be able to use local submission feature, copy the /opt/USPEX/USPEX_templates/Submission
directory into the directory where the calculation takes place.
To utilize the job parameters set up through slurm
, use the following command in commandExecutable
block of INPUT.txt
mpirun -n \$SLURM_NTASKS --bind-to none vasp_std > log
One of the possible workflows is to have a running script
#!/bin/sh TIME=300 while [ ! -f ./USPEX_IS_DONE ] ; do date >> log USPEX -r >> log sleep $TIME done
that is started on the login node using screen
, tmux
or nohup
depending on your personal choice (this is necessary for the script to keep running after you log out from the cluster).TIME
variable should be adjusted depending on how long you expect a single calculation to run, but the exact value is not crucial: it could only be inefficient if the value is too big.
Table of contents