Welcome at the webpage of Working Group 1.1.1 of IAG on the Genesis mission by ESA. It is a joint working group with the IERS and GGOS and it is an open forum of the international scientific community to exchange ideas and information, and to work for the best possible implementation of Genesis and the exploitation of its opportunities. There is close co-operation and exchange with the Genesis Science Team of ESA including the Genesis Science Management Board and the Genesis Science Exploitation Team.

Terms of Reference:

Genesis is a mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) approved for launch in 2028. It realizes all major space ties on a satellite in a polar orbit at about 6000 km altitude, connecting GNSS receivers, an SLR retroreflector, a DORIS receiver and a dedicated VLBI transmitter. Genesis holds the potential to significantly enhance the terrestrial reference frame with more accurate ties between the techniques, and it promises to enable scientific investigations with unprecedented levels of accuracy. The objective of this working group is to explore the array of scientific opportunities presented by Genesis, to formulate optimal observing scenarios, and to develop the methodology for a consistent integration of Genesis data into future ITRF realizations with simulations and considering already existing space ties. This working group aims to maximize the utilization of the mission's capabilities.

Contact: Johannes Böhm (johannes.boehm@tuwien.ac.at)

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