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Access to the SIMULTAN Software

The SIMULTAN software is currently developed and managed by E207-02.

The software needed to use the SIMULTAN data model will be released in 2022 as OPEN SOURCE on GitHub.

For research and teaching  the editors are available as stable Releases.

Please contact  Thomas Bednar 


Electricity Net Simulation  E307-01 Wolfgang Gawlik 

District Cooling Net Simulation  E302 Karl Ponweiser 

Shading Calculation (Python) E207-02 Maximilian Bühler 

MultiZone Building Simulation (Excel-VBA) E207-02 Thomas Bednar 

MultiZone Building Simulation (Python) Maximilian Bühler 

ÖNORM B 8110-2:2020 Simplified Assesment of Moisture Performance of Wood Frame Constructions Thomas Bednar 



The development of SIMULTAN at TU Wien started with
