Type of the tool

central e-learning platform of TU Wien

for conducting online courses and communicating with students


Brief description

The central tool for Distance Learning at TU Wien.

TUWEL (TU Wien E-Learning) is based on the open source software Moodle, which is one of the most commonly used learning platforms worldwide.

The platform can be used by lecturers and employees of TU Wien as well as students. Lecturers can enhance their teaching with online resources, multiple activities, submission tools, forums, schedule coordination, feedback cycles, chats, online and offline exams and a lot more. Furthermore, forums can be used for the communication between lecturers and students as well as between students themselves. Recordings of lectures can be made available with LectureTube Service.

Examples of use

There is an extensive collection of examples and documentation for TUWEL. Here, an overview is given:

Application scenarios for learning elements:

  • For lecturers, all learning elements of TUWEL are introduced in this application course from the perspective of students (Note: one-time registration is necessary)
  • On this page, you can find suggestions for didactic concepts. They are thematically arranged - exams, exercises, seminars, lectures etc.
  • You can find selected How-To manuals which are kept fully up-to-date.

Video tutorial:

  • Quick-Start: a short (9 min) video on how to create a pdf, an assignment and a schedule in TUWEL YouTube - How To TUWEL
  • You can find a collection of 36 issue-specific videos at the TUWEL tutorial course (Note: inscribing once is necessary).

Quick Guide:

  • You can find a collection of 80+ thematic quick guides (Cheat Sheets) at the TUWEL tutorials course (Note: one-time registration is necessary). A tip: with the Cheat Sheet Finder on this page you can search for more terms!

TUWEL consultations offered from the TUWEL-Team:

Screenshot example of TUWEL

Your options with TUWEL


The TUWEL-Team has put together and provided a variety of different support information on the use of  TUWEL. There are

covering almost all questions. Some of them are available only in German at the moment.

We kindly invite you to share your positive experiences such as good solutions or best practice with your colleagues here. You can also put your questions there.

Distance Learning - Office Hours

As a special service, we offer to teachers a one-hour Distance Learning Online Office Hour. During this office hour, questions on topics such as TUWEL, LectureTube, Zoom and other services can be discussed. To give as many people as possible the option to participate, the Distance Learning Online Office Hours will take place at the following times:

  • Tue, 16:00-17:00 via Zoom (online)
  • Thu, 10:00-11:00 via Zoom (online)

Questions & Answers

We collect frequently asked questions and answers here. Please check whether your issue is already on the list and a suitable answer is given. Thereby, you help to reduce the currently greatly increased need for support of the TUWEL-Team.

Nothing will change for you. You can continue to use TUWEL as you have done before.

Should you need fresh ideas on how to use TUWEL in other ways for your activities and work materials you can check here. (German only).

To make your start with e-learning as easy as possible, a TUWEL course has been created automatically for every lecture (LVA) in TISS. 

For ideas on how to use TUWEL for your activities and work materials you can check here. There you will find a TUWEL course showing you activities and work material from a student's perspective.

Please note: Should you have an already existing course in TUWEL, nothing will change for you.

There are 2 options how students can enter your TUWEL course:

  • you can import students by using the TISS import function in the corresponding TUWEL course: [de] TISS Daten holen / YouTube Video
  • students can click the link in the corresponding TISS lecture "To TUWEL online course" to be redirected to the TUWEL online course

Yes. Since September 2021, you can easily upload self-produced videos to your course using LectureTube and make them available to students (as an episode or series). You access this function on the left in the navigation bar of your TUWEL course.

Note: This function is only accessible if the course is available in TISS and a LectureTube series has been created. You can find more information and instructions here.

Should you have institute servers at your disposal, you may upload your videos there and then link them to TUWEL. Please note, the accessing by students may possibly cause a slightly higher load on your servers. Make sure your videos have been reduced by means of a good video compression.

My question is not answered here!

Your can direct you question via e-mail to the colleagues of the TUWEL-Team at Please describe your issue as comprehensive as possible, give the number of your lecture (LVA). This will help us to take care of your inquiry a lot faster.