Welcome to our Research Unit coLAB space.

The official and publicly available DS-IFS pages are on the Faculty of Informatics website.

To get access to the rest of the coLAB space, send an e-mail to someone in our group, and she or he will know who to forward your request to.

See a list of current and past project on the TU Project Database.

Research Unit Seminar Series - General information

The research unit regular meetings take place on Tuesdays, 11:00 - 12:15.

SS 2024 

DateTopic / PresenterRoomApproximate TopicSlides
5.3.2024Filip Kovacevic FAV 01 A

Scientific Knowledge Graph Enrichment with LLM and NLP techniques.

19.3.2024Markus ZlabingerFAV HS 3 (Zemanek)Imagetwin
9.4.2024Ilya LasyFAV HS 3 (Zemanek)Analysing Expert Specialization in Mixture Of Experts LLMs
23.4.2024Martin WeiseFAV HS 3 (Zemanek)Efficient Data Management Systems for Research Data in Databases

7.5.2024Martin WeiseFAV HS 3 (Zemanek)Efficient Data Management Systems for Research Data in Databases (re-do)
28.5.2024Annisa Maulida NingtyasFAV 01 A

Supporting Laypeople in Learning Medical Terminology

4.6.2024Varvara ArztFAV 01 AFrom Domain-Specific RE to Relational Knowledge in (L)LMs
11.6.2024Ahmadou WagneFAV 01 APreference Elicitation in Conversational Recommender Systems

18.6.2024Pranav Kasela (visiting from Uni. Milan Bicocca)FAV 01 A (12:00-13:00)Contextualisation in Neural Information Retrieval
25.6.2024Moritz StaudingerFAV EG CReproducible Retrieval



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