!!!! ONLINE !!!! The meeting will take place: !!!! ONLINE !!!! DF0321 — Besprechungsraum Q, Operngasse 11, 3rd floor
We decided to organise our meeting as online goToMeeting.
On Tuesday, we will be online from 13:45 such that there is enough time to check the setup. Start of the meeting will be at 14:00.
goTo can be installed on a computer, laptop or mobile device, tablet, cell phone, ...
You will need to install a goTo client on your device to be able to join the meeting:
link to join the DL&DataLAB goToMeeting :
If you are interested in participating, please write an e-mail to
login into goToMeeting: 13:45
Meeting: 14:00 — 16:00
Irene Reichl (VSC Research Center)
Siegfried Höfinger (VSC Research Center)
DL-User Update: Working Memo No. 3
Elias Wimmer (VSC Research Center)
Update on Jupyter – JupyterHub with Desktop-Applications, JupyterLab, more kernels
Emma Izquierdo-Verdiguier (Institute of Geomatics, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences)
Exploring spring onset at continental scales: mapping phenoregions and correlating temperature and satellite-based phenometrics
Allan Hanbury (Research Unit of E-Commerce, TU Wien)
Some Biases in Data Science
Alexander Pacha (Institute of Information Systems Engineering, TU Wien)
Teaching computers to read music scores
Giovanna Roda (TU.it)
The need for new paradigms in IT services provisioning
Ernst Haunschmid (TU.it & VSC Research Center)
Austrian DataLAB und Services
Discussion (moderated by Irene Reichl):
Future extension of the DataLAB