Brief description
With TUchat, we offer you a professional chat service for communication and collaboration in teams and individual conversations respectively.
You can share texts, formulas (KaTeX), files, pictures or videos.
- Channel
- labelled by hash #
- the furthermost "outer" room in a chat
- Discussion
- labelled by two speech bubbles
- "Sub room" in a channel
- Ad hoc discussion
- When someone answers directly (in a channel or in a discussion), a new discussion will be opened automatically. This is called an ad hoc discussion. Answers are displayed with a blue button "x Replys" (when using the web browser). They open up in their own "room". In the web browser, this room can be directly next to the (main) discussion/channel
- Thread
- Answers / Replys
- All answers in a channel or statements in a discussion
Examples of use
- Arranging consultation hours
- Short feedback from students
- Brainstorming and exchanging thoughts with students and colleagues from TU Wien
TUchat can be accessed in your web browser directly via
Desktop apps for Windows, macOS and Linux can be downloaded here. (Please do NOT use the Internet Explorer for download!)
The native mobile app Rocket.Chat+ for Android and iOS are available at Google Play and the App Store respectively.
When logging in using the app the server „“ must be inserted.
Instructions on how to use Rocket Chat can be found at
Integration of upTUdate groups
To integrate an upTUdate group in TUchat, the following steps are necessary: Integration upTUdate Groups
Further Information
TUchat at the website
Sandra Trenovatz
Von > TUchat > Anleitung ( sollte auch zu TUcoLab verwiesen werden, da die Anleitung für Dummies nicht reicht.
Insgesamt sollte eigentlich alles zu TUchat auf einer Plattform sein (idealerweise TUcoLab, da hier mehrere Personen was hinzufügen können).
Sandra Trenovatz
ToDo: bitte die namensgleichen Seiten "mergen":
TUchat (unter "Tipps Home Office") und TUchat (unter "Tools").
Für mich macht es mehr Sinn, die Seite unter Tools als die zentrale Seite zu nehmen und von "Tipps Home Office" nur hierher zu verweisen.
Claudia Felber
Liebe Frau Trenovatz!
Danke für die Anregung - haben wir (schon vor längerer Zeit) so umgesetzt.