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Sv translation


DescriptionDocument camera
Type of the tool

Camera in the lecture hall


Brief description


In lecture halls, a document camera is ready to record real objects, for example objects, experiments or handwritten elaborations on paper. In combination with LectureTube (in available lecture halls) the signal of the document camera can also be recorded.

titleNo rental

It is not possible to borrow document cameras. We also ask you to leave the equipment installed in the lecture halls in its proper place.

Examples for use

  • An object or document can be displayed with the beamer. It can also be shown in the recording with LectureTube.
  • Replacement for black board: Instead of writing on the board - which is visible for all within the lecture hall and in the stream - you can write with a pen and paper.
  • A student can present exercises to other students and the lecturer on paper. Corrections can be shown to all.
  • A sample solution for an exercise including the correct approach and verbal explanations can be recorded offline and be later given to students (e.g. through  TUpeerTube). Instructions and known problems can be found here in this document (German only).

Further information