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Sv translation

Step-by-Step manual

Embedding a video via a text box, if the video should appear directly on the course page

  1. Enter your TUWEL course
  2. Activate the editing mode
  3. Choose "Add an activity or resource"
  4. Choose "label"
  5. Show all functionalities for the "label"
  6. Switch to HTML mode
  7. Copy the embed code of your video from the video platform
    and paste it in HTML mode into the label in your TUWEL course
  8. Save and go back to the course overview page

Embedding via a text page, if the video should appear as a link on the course page

  1. Enter your TUWEL course
  2. Activate the editing mode
  3. Choose "Add an activity or resource"
  4. Choose "page"
  5. Add the name and (optional) a description
  6. Show all functionalities for the "page"
  7. Switch to HTML mode
  8. Copy the embed code of your video from the video platform...
  9. ... and paste it in HTML mode into the text field in your TUWEL course
  10. Save your changes. On the text page, all the videos you have embedded will be shown.

Tip: The embed code of a video can be embedded everywhere, where an HTML editor is displayed. So, videos can also be integrated in forum posts, in quiz questions, and in the descriptions of almost all activities or working materials (lessons, wikis etc.)!

How-To Video

Inhalt nach Stichwort
cqllabel in ("zoom","webmeeting","tuwel") and type = "page" and space = "DLGP"
labelszoom tuwel webmeeting


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