In my lectures, I would like to continuously know how the participaton of my students is developing.
I am only interested in the cumulative number of accesses, contributions etc. of all students in one course (at the level of individual learning components), and not information for individual students.
There is a useful tool for this kind of monitoring in TUWEL.
- Log in at TUWEL and open the course.
- Activate editing on the top-right.
- Set up an activity "Aktivitätssupport" according to these instructions (Cheat Sheet)
- Open the activity. There you can see the usage statistics immediately (sorted by learning components).
- Done!
Tip 1: Click on the percentage bar in the column "Aktiv/Inaktiv", in order to see details to the individual learning components.
Tip 2: You can send a message to all students, for example: who have been inactive until now, in the column "Supportmitteilungen".(Without knowing the names of the students).