Here you can find a collection of ideas and suggestions for digitizing various teaching-/learning scenarios.
The slides of the online webinar "Distance Learning with TUWEL" from April 3 and 15, 2020 can be found here.
Online exams:
A comprehensive guide for managing online exams can be found here on this page!
Note: Only GoToMeeting is allowed to be used for diploma exams and rigorous exams
Communicate with students:
- Teachers can use many of TUWEL's activities ...
- For announcements use "News Forum" ("Nachrichtenforum" – instructions: as video, as cheat sheet)
- For student questions and answers use "Forum" (instructions: as video, as cheat sheet)
- For surveys, to collect opinions, use "Feedback" (instructions: as video, as cheat sheet)
- For short opinion polls use "Choice" ("Abstimmung" – instruction: as video)
- For consultation hours, brainstorming sessions, short revision sessions use "Chat". Here are two tools available: the TUWEL Chat (instruction: as cheat sheet) or the TUchat (link)
- A hint: Encourage your students to collect content themselves, according to the motto "Students help students"!
- Via "Wiki" (instructions: as video, as cheat sheet)
- or set up a separate "forum" for this purpose
- Another tip: You or your assistants can moderate the forum by correcting wrong answers.
Group work:
- In TUWEL groups can be realized very well, and these groups can be used for different scenarios: :
- With the function "Access restrictions"/Voraussetzungen", work materials or activities can only be made available for specific groups (instructions: as Video, as Cheat Sheet)
- In the "Forum" (in "Group mode": "Separate groups"!) contributions can be made visible only for group members (instructions: as Video, as Cheat Sheet)
- In practically all activities (such as "Assignment"/"Aufgabe") or in the "Grades"/"Bewertungen" groups can be used to filter the list of participants (instructions: Cheat Sheet)
- Teachers can activate "Group messaging"/"Gruppenmitteilungen" for the communication between the students (brief instructions: in the course under "Participants" / gear "Action menu" / "Groups" / "Edit group settings")
- Students can collect learning artefacts collaboratively via "Wiki" (instructions: as Cheat Sheet)
- How do you get to groups in TUWEL?
- Groups can be transferred from TISS using the "Get TISS data" function (instructions: as Video, as Cheat Sheet)
- Create groups under the menu item "Participants" (instructions: as Cheat Sheet)
- Creating the activity "Grouptool"/"Gruppenverwaltung" offers further advantages: self-registration, waiting lists, import / discharge based on student ID numbers (Matrikelnummern), etc. (instructions: as Video, as Cheat Sheet, further functions as Cheat Sheet)
- TUWEL also supports the creation and random distribution of course participants to a number of groups determined by the teacher.
- Do you need "groups of groups"? No problem, in TUWEL you have ...
- the so-called "Groupings"/"Gruppierungen" (instructions: as Video, as Cheat Sheet)
- Group work can also be discussed and worked on using web meeting tools.
- Our tool recommendations (Zoom, Microsoft Teams) are continuously entered here on this page.
Giving a lecture:
- If possible, make contents available for students in written form and via TUWEL courses
- Here, you can use the whole range of activities, such as ...
- "Page" ("Textseite" – instructions: as Cheat Sheet)
- "Book" ("Buch" – instructions: as Cheat Sheet)
- "Lesson" ("Lektion" – instructions: as Cheat Sheet)
- "Lightbox Gallery“("Lightbox Galerie" – instructions: as Cheat Sheet)
- "Wiki" (instructions: as Cheat Sheet)
- "H5P" offers a great way to create interactive learning elements (instructions: as Video, as Cheat Sheet)
- "Page" ("Textseite" – instructions: as Cheat Sheet)
- Use "URL" ("Link/URL") to draw attention to other great web resources
- Here, you can use the whole range of activities, such as ...
- If it has to be video...
- Produce your own video or dub "PowerPoint" slides
- Recording with LectureTube (Please note, however, that - after registration/reservation - you have to go to the lecture room at TU Wien!)
- Information about this service can be found here on this page
- If it has to be a live video...
- Use LectureTube Live (see here) or a web conferencing tool such as Zoom, or GoToMeeting. On this page, we collect the available online-meeting tools and the corresponding instructions.
- Tip: Web conferences (with Zoom) can be recorded as local files and then made available to students via TUpeerTube and TUWEL (instructions can be found here)
- With Zoom you can create a meeting directly in TUWEL, and your students can join the meeting also via TUWEL — How to create a Zoom Meeting in TUWEL (Video)
- Use LectureTube Live (see here) or a web conferencing tool such as Zoom, or GoToMeeting. On this page, we collect the available online-meeting tools and the corresponding instructions.
- When teachers have limited Internet bandwidth available ...
as mentioned above, in this case use the asynchronous TUWEL options
or create audio-only recordings (audio file with laptop or mobile devices, podcasts)
Upload these audio recordings to TUWEL as "File", TUWEL recognizes the audio file and displays it with an audio player (instructions similar to PDF files: as Video, as Cheat Sheet)
Perform exercises ("Übungen"):
Carry out seminars:
Digitized excursions:
- Face-to-face activities are cancelled as listed here, but in TUWEL you can still create wonderful photo tours with these activities
- "Lesson" ("Lektion“ – instructions as Cheat Sheet)
- "Lightbox Gallery" ("Lightbox Galerie“ – instructions: as Cheat Sheet)
General remarks at the end:
- Act as asynchronously as possible
- Keep it short! E-learning content should always be prepared briefly and in small pieces!
- Think about the bandwidth of your students. Here you can find something to think about.
- Good ideas and approaches can also be found here.
- A good read for in between is available here.
Franz Reichl
Peter Puschner
Hinweis: Der Link zum Cheat Sheet unter <Communicate with Students → ...TUWEL activities... → ..."Forum" > verweist auf das Feedback Cheat Sheet und nicht ein Forum Cheat Sheet. LG, PP
Franz Reichl
Danke für den Hinweis!
Auf Deutsch war es korrekt, aber auf Englisch falsch -- ich hab' den Link gleich ausgebessert, er verweist allerdings auf ein deutschsprachiges Forum Cheat Sheet; es gibt meines Wissens leider (noch) kein englischsprachiges zu diesem Thema.
Peter Puschner
Vielen Dank!